SkyGuard Warranty Plan for Nuna® – 航行無憂的保障
您的 Nuna® 嬰兒手推車在飛行旅程中,終於可以安心無憂了!
SkyGuard Warranty Plan for Nuna® 專門針對我們代理之 Nuna® 嬰兒手推車在托運過程中的「前欄」和「輪子」提供全面保障。無論您的推車經歷了什麼航程,只要經過預先登記,這些關鍵部件受損,我們都會針對「前欄」和「輪子」提供免費維修服務,讓您在旅途中無後顧之憂。
把握這難得的升級機會,立即註冊您的 SkyGuard 保障計劃。輕鬆享受旅行路上的無憂體驗,專注於與家人創造美好時光!
1. 登記表格
2. 索賠表格
3. 詳細講解 (英文版)

1. 登記流程
a. 填妥登記表格
b. 辦理寄艙前,顧客必須拍攝記錄 Nuna 嬰兒手車出發前狀況的照片,包括:
i. 前欄及四個輪子
ii. 寄艙的 Nuna 嬰兒手推車必須使用指定的 Nuna 旅行袋,才符合本計劃的資格要求。 (請參考標準示範 A)
c. 必須保留登機證/機票參考號碼,以便提交索賠表格。
2. 索賠流程
如果在托運過程中 Nuna 嬰兒手推車的前欄或輪子受損,客戶必須在完成行程後 48 小時內提交索賠,否則逾期不獲處理。
3. 保障範圍
a. SkyGuard 計劃提供免費的全面保障,涵蓋您 Nuna 嬰兒手推車的前欄和四個輪子,其他組件或損壞不在保障範圍內。
b. 只適於香港授權零售商、2024年7月2日起購買之 Nuna 嬰兒手推車,於購買日起計2年內受保;此前購買或其他國家出售的貨品不適用;
4. 免責聲明
a. SkyGuard 是一項由 Big Data Solutions Limited 提供的獨立計劃,與 Nuna、任何航空公司或保險公司的索賠無關。本計劃為您的 Nuna 嬰兒手推車在托運過程中提供額外且獨有的保障!
SkyGuard Warranty Plan for Nuna®
SkyGuard Warranty Plan for Nuna® – Travel with Confidence
Your Nuna® stroller can now enjoy carefree journeys on the road!
The SkyGuard Warranty Plan for Nuna® provides comprehensive coverage specifically for the stroller’s child armbar and wheels during the luggage check-in process. No matter what your stroller experiences throughout your travels, once you have registered, if these two critical components (armbar and wheels) get damaged, we’ll offer free repair services to keep you worry-free on your trip.
Seize this rare upgrade opportunity and register to activate your SkyGuard Warranty plan right away. Easily enjoy a stress-free travel experience and focus on creating wonderful moments with your family!
2. Claim Form
Terms and Conditions:
1. Pre-Travel Inspection
a. Fill in Registration form.
b. Prior to check-in, the customer must take photographs documenting the condition of the stroller before boarding, including:
i. The armbar and the weels
ii. To be eligible for the SkyGuard Warranty Plan, your Nuna stroller must be transported in the designated Nuna travel bag during the luggage check-in process (please refer to the example A).
c. The customer must retain the boarding pass/ticket reference number to submit a claim form.
2. Damage Reporting
If the armbar or wheels of your Nuna stroller are damaged during the luggage transport, you must submit your claim within 48 hours of completing your trip. Claims filed after this 48-hour window will not be processed.
3. Coverage Scope
a. The SkyGuard warranty covers damage to the stroller’s armbar and wheels only.
b. This applies only to Nuna strollers purchased from authorized retailers in Hong Kong starting from July 2, 2024. The warranty coverage is valid for a period of two years from the date of purchase. Products purchased prior to this date or sold in other countries are not eligible.
4. Disclaimer
a. SkyGuard Warranty Plan is an independent service provided by Big Data Solutions Limited and is not affiliated with Nuna, any airline or insurance company claims. This plan provides exclusive protection for your Nuna stroller during your travels.
Last Update: 2/7/2024